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Men's Fashion


Comparing Brogue Shoes and Oxfords: Which Style is Right for You?

It can be tricky to choose the right type of shoe for particular environments and occasions. Finding the balance between comfort and style is key for achieving the perfect look. With so many different styles on offer, two of the most popular are Brogue shoes and Oxfords. So how do these two styles differ, and how can you choose which one is the best choice for you? Read on to learn more.

Differences between Brogue and Oxford Shoes

At first glance, you may not be able to tell the difference between a Brogue shoe and an Oxford. However, there are significant differences between the two, the main one being that a Brogue shoe has punched detailing to it known as ‘broguing’. This can come in the form of patterns of holes along the edges, depending on the type of Brogue shoe you have chosen. Additionally, Brogues have a much longer tip than Oxfords, but these two pieces of information aren’t enough to tell one from the other.

Identifying the Features of Brogue Shoes

Brogue shoes differ from Oxfords in that they are normally considered to be semi-formal footwear. As a result, they are usually crafted with a casual air in mind. The most common type is ‘wingtip’ in that the edges of the sole have a V-shaped cut-out pattern, overlapping at the toe to create the same shape. Threads are often found running through this pattern, giving them a distinct appearance. These threads can vary in colour and pattern, ranging from stripes running along the toe to complex leaves on the sides. They also feature heavy perforations along the front, again creating intricate patterns that draw a lot of attention.

Identifying the Features of Oxford Shoes

By comparison, Oxfords are more formal in their style and appearance. While these are also available in a variety of colors and textures, Oxfords generally lack the intricate details found on Brogues. These shoes feature a single piece of leather across the toe and often have perforations along the sides and back. While Oxfords do not commonly feature bright colors, there is still a range of shades available, with tan and black being the most popular.

How to Choose Between Brogue and Oxford Shoes

When it comes to choosing between Brogue and Oxford shoes, it ultimately comes down to personal preference. While there are some occasions that may call for one over the other — such as a formal dinner — both styles are suitable for business casual wear or even with a smart casual outfit. Therefore, take into account your own style tastes and wardrobe choices when deciding which to choose.

Brogue vs. Oxford: Pros and Cons

The pros and cons of each style should also be taken into consideration when making your decision. For instance, Brogues are generally more comfortable than Oxfords thanks to their more relaxed style, although they may not be suitable for certain more professional settings. On the other hand, Oxfords are typically considered more formal and therefore may be the better choice for certain occasions. Additionally, Brogues offer room for creativity with their intricate detailing, allowing you to tailor your style to fit any occasion.

Styling Options with Brogues and Oxfords

Brogue shoes and Oxfords can be styled up or down to fit any occasion — from workwear to evenings out — simply by taking into account your outfit choices. While both styles can be used as part of a smart-casual look, Brogues offer much more room for creativity with their intricate designs. These shoes can be teamed with printed trousers and a patterned shirt for formal events, while they also work well with jeans and t-shirts for more relaxed occasions.

Tips for Wearing Brogues and Oxfords

To make sure you achieve the perfect look for any occasion, there are a few top tips worth following: Firstly, make sure your shoes are in good condition, as this will help them look their best as well as last longer. Additionally, take into account your environment when choosing which type of shoe to wear — for example, darker colors should be chosen for smarter settings and brighter colors can be worn in more relaxed surroundings.

Care Instructions for Brogues and Oxfords

To ensure you get the most out of your Brogue or Oxford shoes, it’s important to take good care of them. A regular polish will help keep them looking great, while investing in a quality shoe brush is worth considering too. Also consider using shoe trees; these are designed to help keep the shape and condition of your shoes while they’re not in use.


By taking all of the above into consideration, you’ll have an easier time deciding whether Brogue shoes or Oxfords are right for you. While both styles offer undeniable comfort and distinct fashion appeal, you should now have a better understanding of how they differ from each other and know how to pick which one is best for you.


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